350Brooklyn’s dance party for the planet kicks off tomorrow, October 1

Time to get out and
Dance for the Planet!

Dear John,


Tomorrow is going to be an amazing day. The sun will be out and Washington Park in Brooklyn (5th Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets) will be festively decorated for 350Brooklyn’s Dance for the Planet. Come enjoy the fresh air and get your groove on with friends new and old to the beats of DJ Ben the Beyonder.


This dance-a-thon is 350Brooklyn’s fall FUNdraiser to support our expanding local work that has global impacts. We’re 30% toward meeting our fundraising goal. Help us get there by signing up, showing up and/or supporting those who are dancing to save the planet.

Our work is really important and, from the smoke to the floods to the heat, this summer has made it glaringly apparent that it is needed. As combating climate change becomes more pressing, we are expanding our work. This year alone we’ve hired two part time staff to extend our reach and scope.

Here are a few of our successes this year:

  • ⚡️ 350Brooklyn’s Legislation work group and Power Hour crew helped to pass the All-Electric Buildings Act, making New York the first state to ban fossil fuels in new buildings.
  • 🍏 Our City Action work group and Power Hour participants helped pass New York City Council’s Universal Residential Composting, which will bring curbside compost collection to every household in NYC, slashing methane pollution. 
  • 🎧 Climate Check: Stories and Solutions, 350Brooklyns monthly podcast, produced another 12 cutting-edge podcasts on topics from sustainable farming to plastic waste to teaching climate justice. You can listen to Climate Check wherever you get your podcasts or visit the website.

Your support enables us to continue to grow our work, having positive effects on you and the planet 🫶

The Dance for Planet Planning Committee
Judy, Kristen, Laura, Leslie, Lori, Lynn, Sarah E, Sara G, Sarah S, Sophia

Thank you to our Sponsors! 💛

We are grateful to these local businesses who have generously offered gifts of wonderful sustainable goods as prizes for our top fundraisers!