John –

I wanted to be sure you knew that the next deadline is coming up quick at midnight tonight.

Right now Democrats are fighting back against a whole lot of nonsense – whether it’s in Congress or at your local school board meeting.

Julie is working day in and day out to help elect and reelect Democrats at every single level. Seriously, she never stops.

We need your help today to keep up with her: Chip in now to help us keep crisscrossing the state – no beans unfed or walleye unfried!

The great news is, it doesn’t cost you a dime to support DFLers in Minnesota.

Your first $50 contribution to a qualifying campaign (like ours!) or party unit can be reimbursed by the state. We send you a receipt, you send it to the state, you get your $50 back.

We’re counting on you to take advantage of this amazing program to help power our campaign! Make your qualifying donation today.

Thank you,

Team Blaha


Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States