If you want a free vacation in a swanky New York hotel with room and board with the added perk of a smartphone, claim to be a migrant seeking asylum from another nation!
It won’t be free though. That tab will be picked up by all the taxpayer dollars of hard working Americans. At least RINO Tony Gonzales wants those illegal border crossers to get a job. AND he has the gall to brag about marketing Biden’s open border policy by introducing legislation, The Hire Act, that focuses on helping foreigners get jobs in our nation!
These actions have unlocked a new level on the RINO scale that should land Rep. Gonzales a book deal with the title: How To Help Democrats Orchestrate A Mass Invasion.
We shall know them by their acts! Rep. Gonzales’ words and acts tell us he thinks we are complete idiots who will believe that his legislation helping foreigners is good for us.
Join me in showing Rep. Gonzales before midnight tonight that we weren’t born yesterday, and that our movement will have the last word by putting snake oil salesmen like him out of business!