

On Wednesday I woke up to news that the Rosebank oilfield has been given a green light. Make no mistake - this is a climate crime.


And coming as it does, hot on the heels of the PM’s speech last week rolling back critical measures needed to keep global temperatures within safer limits, it represents a dangerous delaying of urgent climate action.


If you are worried about the climate crisis - now is the time to act.


The climate science couldn’t be clearer. New fossil fuels have to stay in the ground.


So I’m angry. I’m scared about what this means for our children and I’m determined to do what I can to reverse this decision and stop the climate criminals.


Earlier this year, I pledged that as well as using the platform I’m privileged to have in parliament to oppose this new oil and gas field, I’d also take non-violent direct action if necessary to stop Rosebank, with its emissions equivalent to those of the 28 lowest income countries put together.


That moment has now come. The climate crisis is happening now.


Help us take action against climate criminals by becoming a Friend of the Green Party. 


I can’t stand by and let this level of harm happen unopposed. Can you?

Thank you.


Caroline Lucas