From Team Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject Shortest email of the day.
Date September 29, 2023 10:36 PM
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One last email tonight.

Our shortest email of the day.

We made a lot of progress over the last several hours, both towards our FEC goal and our ultimate goal of taking back Kyrsten Sinema’s seat and defending the Senate from Kari Lake.

A lot of progress, but we still have a ways to go.

So please, send your donation tonight — even just $1 — and you won’t hear from us again until October. Seriously. No more emails for as little as $1.

Contribute: [link removed]

And when we hit our goals, you will know you did that. When Ruben wins in 2024, you will know you did that. When we hold the Senate, you will know you did that.

If that’s not worth $1, we don’t know what is.

Thank you.

Team Gallego

Contribute: [link removed]

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