Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate

Cory Booker

Brother Warnock! We made some history last Congress with your election.

Cory Booker

That’s right! In the long history of the Senate, there have only been 11 Black Senators and I was number 11.

Raphael Warnock
Raphael Warnock
Cory Booker

In fact, it was the first time in U.S. history that three Black men have served at the same time.

Cory Booker
Lisa Blunt Rochester

Um, what about the Black women?

Lisa Blunt Rochester
Cory Booker

In the 234 year history of the United States Senate, 2,002 people have served as Senators but only two of them have been Black women.

Cory Booker

Now, you know that’s a shame.

Raphael Warnock
Raphael Warnock
Lisa Blunt Rochester

Well, fellas, I think it’s time we end that. I’m Lisa Blunt Rochester and I’m running for Senate from the great state of Delaware.

Lisa Blunt Rochester

There’s no question that she will make the U.S. Senate better reflect the truth and great diversity of our country.

Raphael Warnock
Raphael Warnock
Cory Booker

But we can’t do it without you. Please contribute to this election. Whatever you can right now.

Cory Booker

Thank you for your support!

Raphael Warnock
Raphael Warnock