Dear Friend,
Two mass shootings in less than 13 hours.
It's shocking, heartbreaking . . . and yet also utterly predictable.
The U.S has an epidemic of gun violence fueled by the NRA and a president who bolsters white supremacists.
We're standing up to Trump and the NRA by pushing for new legislation to keep assault weapons out of the hands of domestic terrorists, stopping the sale of assault weapons, and defeating politicians who stand with the NRA for reelection.
No more thoughts and prayers. We are demanding action -- NOW. Will you donate to help stop the mass shootings?
The U.S. is the only industrialized nation that has mass shootings on this scale -- 251 this year alone.(1) And we're the only country that throws up our hands and says it is an unsolvable problem.(2)
The El Paso terrorist who shot nearly 50 people on Saturday had written a manifesto against immigrants and uploaded it to the internet.(3) The Dayton shooter had been suspended from school for writing a “hit list” of people he wanted to kill.(4) The Gilroy shooter, who terrorized a town in California just a week before, had posted racist images on the internet and used a gun that is illegal to purchase in the state.(5)
All three of them legally purchased the assault weapons they used in their attacks.
It’s time to make ending mass shootings a priority, and Courage Campaign is working to stop the proliferation of mass shootings on several fronts:
- We're pushing for tougher Red Flag laws to keep assault weapons out of the hands of domestic terrorists. The California Legislature is considering bills that would allow coworkers and school faculty to report if they think someone with a gun is posing a danger to themselves or others. A bill is also being debated to allow local law enforcement to remove guns from those who illegally possess them -- an authority that is only given to the California Department of Justice right now, and the department has a backlog in the thousands.(6)
- We're pressuring all members of Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike, to vote for tougher gun-safety laws in America. California has some of the strictest gun-safety laws in the country, but they don't help if a shooter can cross state lines and buy any assault weapon he wants. Senator Dianne Feinstein and Representative David Cicilline introduced an assault weapons ban that has been signed by 190 members of the House of Representatives, and we're calling on Congress to vote on this ban immediately. Also, we helped defeat seven pro-NRA members of Congress in 2018, and we're holding those still left accountable in 2020.
We can't let the NRA and the Trump administration continue to put our safety in jeopardy. We're acting now to stop the epidemic of domestic terrorism in the U.S. Will you join us and donate?
Yes, I’ll donate to help put an end to mass shootings.
Yours in the fight to end violence,
Eddie, along with Analeeza, Annie, Brenna, Caitlin, Diego, Gabby, Lindsay, Mai, Mary, Molly, Raquel, and Scottie (the Courage team)
Footnotes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.