Here are three facts you should know, John:

  1. A MAGA Republican is expected to enter the race to challenge Frank. We need to prepare now for whatever they try to throw at us.

  2. Frank was named a Frontline Democrat by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which means the path to taking back the House majority runs right through Northwest Indiana.

  3. Our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline is Saturday at midnight, and we're running out of time to hit our goal so that we can report the strongest numbers possible to the FEC. Everyone, including MAGA Republicans targeting Frank, will be able to see this report — which is why we need your support now more than ever.

Can you chip in any amount toward our goal so we have the resources to keep Frank in Congress and take back the House?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

— Mrvan HQ