
As we stand in Solidarity with our Sisters and Brothers at UAW, the support from labor as well as the general public has been overwhelming. Recently, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler, representing over 60 unions and 12 ½ million union members of the AFL-CIO, joined UAW members on the picket line, encouraging members to stay strong!


History was made on Tuesday when Joe Biden became the first sitting President to walk an active picket line with striking union members! Supporting union members and ‘walking the walk’, demonstrating again that he has been the most union-friendly, most worker-friendly President that we have had in our lifetimes!

As we continue to see workers all across the country, across demographics, across industries standing up to find and exercise their collective voices, to echo the cry, ‘Ya Basta!’, ‘Enough is Enough!’. Unfortunately, we have also seen a part of the ugly side of strikes. In the last week, there have been at least three separate incidents of violence on the picket line.


At the Flint GM plant, five picketers were hit by a car; in Massachusetts, a State Senator and a striking auto worker were hit by two cars; and in California, a non-union contractor pulled a gun on picketers as he was attempting to leave the plant. At last report, the injuries have been minor. Strikes are not easy and emotions run high, but there is no room for violence, and UAW President Shawn Fain has responded, making it clear that it is shameful, unacceptable, and won’t be tolerated!

Politics aside, the rhetoric being spewed by a sitting congressman, citing Ronald Reagan’s union busting of Air Traffic Controllers in the 80's and saying that striking workers should be fired while at the same time being willing to take a vote to shut down the government, is the height of hypocrisy. What he and all of the other anti-worker union haters should know is that workers will not be intimidated and are no longer willing to accept the continued abuse by the corporate class. They will stand up and speak out to demand fair pay, safety at work, and benefits to take care of themselves and their families. They are willing to fight for the dignity, respect, and justice in the workplace that they deserve, and nothing less!










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