No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities

It's no secret the Biden administration's failed, open-border policies have resulted in an unmitigated disaster at our southwest border, and our state continues facing the brunt of the crisis.

While Texas is working overtime to secure our border, sanctuary cities like New York City are making the crisis worse by actively encouraging illegal immigration. This week, I introduced the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act with New York Rep. Nick LaLota to prohibit federal funding from going towards migrant food, shelter, and other services in sanctuary cities.

Texans shouldn’t have to shoulder the burden of costs incurred by cities that refuse to enforce our nation’s laws. Hardworking Americans deserve better than what this administration has allowed.

To read more on the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act, click here.

Rep. McCaul at the southern border

I am also proud that the provision I fought to include, which cuts the Secretary of State’s budget by 15% until he secures an agreement with Mexico that will reimplement the Remain in Mexico policy, passed this week in the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill. Remain in Mexico was a proven, effective tool in deterring immigrants from illegally crossing our southern border and preventing their release into the interior of the United States, many times without the necessary tracking components, while their asylum claims were adjudicated. 


Learn more about the ways the State and Foreign Operations appropriations bill will help counter China’s aggression, secure the U.S. border, and promote pro-life policies around the world here.

Promoting American Leadership Through Music

One of the things that makes America a leader throughout the world is American culture. American movies and American music are celebrated in almost every country in the world, spreading American ideals and the English language. 

This week I was proud to celebrate the implementation of my PEACE Through Music Diplomacy Act. This bill leverages the power of American musicians and American music — the universal language — to advance American foreign policy goals like democracy and freedom. 

To hear my speech on the inspiration behind this bill, click below.

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A Great Moment for the U.S.-Israel Relationship

This was a wonderful week for the United States-Israel relationship, as Israel was accepted into the United States Visa Waiver Program.

Designating Israel into the Visa Waiver Program will make it much easier for Israelis to visit the United States and further strengthen the people-to-people ties between our countries. I look forward to welcoming many Israelis to the U.S. Texas is ready to greet you!

Click here to view my statement on Twitter.

ICYMI: Rep. McCaul TV Coverage

McCaul on Fox News with Bret Baier

"This is the breakthrough we've been looking for since the Abraham Accords were passed. To get Saudi [Arabia] to the point of normalization with Israel, it would be a significant step forward towards peace in the Middle East."

Click to watch

McCaul on Fox News with Neil Cavuto

"We need to push the border out and not play at the one yard line. ... I thought the prior administration had this right by stopping all these people coming into the United States by adjudicating their political asylum claims in Mexico."

Click to watch

ICYMI: Rep. McCaul in the News

Fox News: New York Republican introduces bill to bar migrant-related funding to sanctuary cities as border crisis rages

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Jewish Insider: House boosts proposed NSGP allocation by an additional $20 million

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Bloomberg: Stronger Investment Curbs Are Needed to Counter China, McCaul Says

Click to read
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