We’ve had a lot of strategy
discussions this month. The focus has been on what we can do, almost a
year before Election Day, to create the narrative that beats
There are a whole lot of different
stories we need to tell voters. It’s about communicating the cruel
policies that define MAGA extremism. Highlighting the danger of giving
an even more unhinged Trump access to the nuclear codes. And of
course, the existential threat that Trumpism represents to our
democracy. All of that is setting up one side of the contrast: the
crazy. The other? Telling the story of President Biden and his strong
leadership and achievements for the American people.
This month, we’ve focused heavily on telling Joe Biden’s
story in a way only we can.
That’s why we released American
Story. Our narrative
of how President Biden led the greatest economic comeback in the
world. How a compassionate leader made our country respected on the
world stage again. And used his years of public service to develop the
wisdom and toughness to continue to guide our great nation.
We made sure that millions of
voters in Wisconsin saw it. In a state that swings presidential
elections based on shifts of less than a percentage point of the vote,
messages like American
Story can have a real
the work we’re doing here at The Lincoln Project. We’re starting
early. We’re defining the message that re-elects President Biden. And
we’re making sure the right voters see it. Can we count on you to
support that work?
We continued the ad campaign with
Strong. An ad that was inspired by the leadership
President Biden showed at the UN meeting in New York and his
solidarity with Ukraine. It reminded voters that Trump and MAGA don’t
stand for those values. That ultimately a vote for Trump is a vote for
Again, these ads are just part of
our larger strategy to define the contrast that re-elects President
Biden. It’s a contrast that needs to start now.
We have to define the message. And we have to lead the
This month has been a real turning
point in our work to win that fight. But it continues onward. And the
stakes will only get higher.
marks our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline. The resources we can
put together before that date will help set exactly how many ads like
American Story and Stronger
we can make over the coming months – and how
many voters we can put them in front of. If you believe in those ads,
we’d appreciate it if you could pitch in and support our continued
work today.
-The Lincoln Project