
Independent Women’s Forum is thrilled to announce a second installment in Burned at the Stake: One NCAA Coach’s Battle to Protect Women’s Sports. After objecting to men competing in women’s sports, Kim Russell was removed from her position as the head women’s lacrosse coach at Oberlin College, siphoned into a desk job away from athletes as an “Employee Wellness Project Manager.” 

During the course of her disciplinary process, Russell recorded conversations where administrators told her that teaching players about the female menstrual cycle was an “an attack on trans.”
There is bitter irony in the fact that universities are designed to equip young adults with a meaningful education… yet, they’re actually indoctrinating the next generation with parasitical, radical ideologies – wrongfully presented as fact. 

Russell wasn’t wrong, discriminatory, or “anti-trans” for teaching her female athletes how to live in rhythm with their natural hormonal cycles. And I know you’re with her on this.

Young women – athletes or not – benefit immensely from understanding how their bodies work. Ultimately, we’re doing humanity a disservice when we forbid ancestral knowledge and override scientific facts with biological falsehoods.
Russell’s story sadly demonstrates just how aggressively college administrators will push their employees to adhere to dogmatic ideology at the expense of truth, fairness and free speech. Will you watch our latest documentary, “No More Period Talk,” and help us spread this news far and wide about what’s happening on college campuses?

Yours in the Fight,
Andrea Mew
Documentary Producer
Storytelling Coordinator