Dear John,

The House Judiciary Committee has voted down our term limits amendment!

Nineteen Republicans and Democrats teamed up to defeat it 19-17!

The professional politicians will do anything to stop term limits.

Congressman Steve Cohen called term limits "hooey legislation" and then ranted on about his constituents wish he could serve in Congress forever!

This is why USTL is fighting state by state to go around Congress and impose term limits through the Term Limits Convention.

Please help us bypass Congress by convincing the individual states to call the Term Limits Convention.  

Term limits supporters like you fought hard and bombarded the House Judiciary Committee with over 65,000 emails.

And the vote was crazy close.

But in the end, too many politicians in both parties care more about their perks, their pay and their privileges, and the voted us down.

Now, the odds of our amendment ever getting the supermajority of the entire House necessary to pass were very long.

Our goal was to simply force votes on term limits so that the politicians would have to go on record.

Well, at least we got our vote in the House Judiciary Committee.

But this 19-17 vote shows the American people that we all need to take matters into our own hands if we want to rein in the professional politicians.

And that's what we've been doing with the state-by-state campaign to call the Term Limits Convention.

Now, we need your help more than ever.

Please, give whatever you can. It is really important that you act today.

In North Carolina our legislation has passed one house and we are getting closer everyday to securing the votes in the state senate.

In states like Pennsylvania, Maine, Louisiana and Arizona we are gearing up for upcoming battles.

87% of the American people support term limits.


We can do this.

Please help. 

Philip Blumel
U.S. Term Limits

U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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