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A photo of De'Amon Harges talking to a group of three people at the art gallery show Perception: What's Behind the Door


PEAK Delaware Valley Digs Into Relationship Building With De’Amon Harges

PEAK Delaware Valley interim cochairs Allison Acevedo and Jen Danifo share key ideas from a recent chapter event featuring guest speaker De’Amon Harges who spoke about how funders can meaningfully engage with communities and develop authentic partnerships.



PEAK2024 Call for Proposals

Next week, look out for our invitation to cocreate the PEAK2024 experience with us by proposing a session that will inform, excite, empower, and engage participants to reimagine the future of philanthropy. Inside, you can download our proposals guide where you’ll learn about our convening theme, content focus, and submission process. Get ready to bring your energy and insights to help make March 18–20 in Seattle a can’t-miss event for our community and the best convening any of us will attend in 2024! We’ll also open early registration and debut support opportunities in mid-October.


Join Philanthropy's Day of Action on the Charitable Act 

Next Wednesday, October 4, PEAK joins United Philanthropy Forum and the Charitable Giving Coalition in mobilizing the sector to advocate for passage of the Charitable Act in the House and Senate. Help us build a groundswell of support to urge Congress to take action. Tap into the Forum’s Advocate Action Center to support your outreach to encourage lawmakers to cosponsor the bill, and follow PEAK on LinkedIn so you can amplify our campaign to your followers.

Join this week’s trending conversations:

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Upcoming Events

October 3
PEAK Fall Volunteer Fair

October 5
Hybrid Chapter Meeting
(PEAK New England)

October 6
Chapter Reunion: What a ride it’s been! (PEAK Pacific Northwest)

October 12
Hybrid Chapter Meeting
(PEAK Midwest)

October 12
Salem Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)


Weekly Reads

“Funding sabbaticals is a radical act of care to grantee partners. Research has proven that sabbaticals are effective and transformational to the organization and individual. The Durfee Foundation, a long-time leader in funding sabbaticals, has evaluated their sabbatical program and found that three-month sabbaticals can be a ‘lever for whole systems change’ as they impact the personal, structural, and systems level of an organization.” [more]
Abby Siegel Hyman, The Healing Trust, for the Center for Effective Philanthropy

“[B]ecause many organizations can ill afford to devote time and resources to the ‘soft’ work of supporting healing, funders can help. They can make long-run commitments to general operational funding; they can recognize the need within budget requests to raise salaries in the sector; they can better support leadership training and capacity building so that staff can become both more effective and more empowered in their careers; and they can help organizations hit higher standards for how their people are treated and treasured. In these ways, funders will help build a truly resilient movement able to balance emotion and effectiveness, healing and hellraising, soul, and strategy.” [more]
Jennifer Ito, Manuel Pastor, and Ashley K. Thomas, University of Southern California Equity Research Institute, for Stanford Social Innovation Review

“While multi-year, unrestricted funding is one of the core grantmaking practices of a comprehensive trust-based approach, the work goes much deeper than grantmaking alone. For this reason, we often point out that it’s not about checking the boxes of the six practices, but rather committing to the iterative work of aligning power consciousness and equity across your organizational culture, structures, leadership, and practices.” [more]
Shaady Salehi, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project

“Independent Sector, in partnership with Edelman Data & Intelligence, is releasing our fourth annual report of research findings that explores the nuances of trust in American nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. [W]e set out to conduct mixed methods research including a national survey of over 3,000 American adults and qualitative discussion boards of 50 American adults. The research assesses the general population’s trust in the sector (philanthropy and nonprofits) and uncovers the factors that drive trust in the sector.“ [more]
Independent Sector


PEAK Grantmaking
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Washington, DC 20006-1242

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