What Happened This Week


CMD’s Executive Director Arn Pearson moderated a discussion with Russ Feingold of the American Constitution Society; Nancy MacLean, Professor of History and Public Policy at Duke University; and Jonathan Mehta Stein of California Common Cause on the imminent threat of a far right constitutional convention. You can watch a recording of the entire webinar on YouTube

Over 600 people tuned-in to the webinar or streamed it on YouTube. For those eager for more information, check out these resources that were shared during the event: 

Happening Next Week

ALEC’s #50YearsofHarm

CMD’s Board President Lisa Graves will be on the Laura Flanders Show with California Rep. Ro Khanna this Sunday, Oct. 1 at 11:30am ET to discuss the American Legislative Exchange Council’s #50YearsofHarm and how progressives are fighting back.  

The episode will be streamed on the Laura Flanders Show YouTube channel, the World Channel, and on more than 300 PBS stations across the country. The episode will also be released to public radio stations — you can check your local TV listings and radio schedules. The episode will also be streamed and available for download on podcast platforms.

Stay tuned as we continue to report on environmental and good government groups’ actions holding ALEC accountable for #50YearsofHarm, including Greenpeace’s action next Wednesday outside the National Portrait Gallery, where ALEC’s black tie gala will be happening.

ALEC’s Long History with Big Tobacco

CMD’s Investigative Reporter Juliana Broad will be discussing ALEC’s long history with Big Tobacco at a webinar next Thursday, Oct. 5th at 12pm ET, hosted by Action on Smoking and Health, an advocacy and research organization, to launch their 2023 U.S. Tobacco Industry Interference Report. You can register for the webinar here.

ICYMI: CMD’s Research

In case you’ve missed it, here’s what we’ve been working on.


Nearly 700 ALEC Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Abortion. Is One of Them Yours?

At least 684 state lawmakers affiliated with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) have voted to make it illegal for pregnant people across the country to access the right to an abortion, according to a new analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). Read the article here.


Investment Firm Cofounded by Vivek Ramaswamy Holds Shares in BlackRock

In his attempts to be the most anti-woke candidate in the GOP presidential primaries, Vivek Ramaswamy has saved his sharpest attacks for the big three asset management firms: Vanguard, State Street, and BlackRock. Read the article here.


Who’s Bankrolling the Shutdown Showdown?

Far-right House Republicans and related groups have some pretty tall demands for approving a stopgap budget bill and averting a government shutdown. There’s only one catch: Their demands have nothing to do with the federal budget. Read the article here.


Minnesota Judge Rules That Criminalizing Enbridge Line 3 Water Protectors Would Be a Crime

In a remarkable ruling, a Minnesota judge summarily dismissed misdemeanor charges against three Anishinaabe water protectors who had protested at a pipeline construction site in an effort to stop the Enbridge Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline. “To criminalize their behavior would be the crime,” she concluded. Read the article here.


Vulnerable House GOP Freshmen Voted to Kill Funding for Clean Energy Projects in Their Own Districts

Six of the most vulnerable first-term congressional Republicans represent districts that are benefitting from new renewable energy facilities made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022, one of President Biden’s most significant legislative achievements to date. Read the article here.


Ocean Restoration Hits the Big Time

The European Union (EU) has just passed a law that will finally put the world on the right road towards solving the climate crisis. It’s a great start, and in the United States, Congress is almost there, too – just one step behind. Read the article here.


Tobacco Giant Altria Buys Access to ALEC Lawmakers, Urges Deregulation

Big tobacco had a big presence at ALEC's 50th annual meeting. As a top-level sponsor, tobacco giant Altria bought access for two lobbyists to speak directly to state lawmakers – at least half a dozen of whom serve on their state’s health policy committees – during ALEC task force meetings in Orlando. Read the article here.

CMD in the News

CMD’s research has recently been cited by the following publications:

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- Team CMD


CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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