Notes from the Executive Director
Dear AHS Friends and Supporters,
As we welcome a new season, I'm delighted to announce some exciting news about our AHS 20th Anniversary Celebration. The celebration will be held at the National Landing Experience Center and will include the Leckey Forum and Bozman Awards, as well as special moments to look back at our achievements and look forward to our future plans. Please mark your calendar for Monday, November 20th from 3:30pm to 7:30pm and join us for this memorable event.
Stay tuned for special email messages that will reveal this year’s Leckey Forum theme and the two Bozman Award recipients who will be honored for their strong supporter of our Arlington For Everyone vision. Tickets will be available online soon. Check your emails and follow AHS on all our platforms for more details!
As we celebrate the many victories, there is still a lot of work to do to advance affordable housing in our community. Plan Langston Boulevard is progressing to the next phase of review. You can find more information below in this month’s newsletter about what has happened since our last update and how you can still make your voice heard.
As always, thank you for all you do to further the impact of our work.
With Gratitude,
The Latest on
Plan Langston Boulevard
Arlington County has released its Updated Draft Plan Langston Blvd. This is the version that will be considered for the Request to Advertise (RTA), which serves as the revised draft PLB for public feedback and review by the Planning Commission and the County Board. You may share your views on the Langston Blvd Area Plan at the upcoming meetings in Oct. and Nov., as listed below. These are the community's last opportunities to impact the specifics of the Plan. The County Board's final vote on PLB approval is expected in November.
AHS is working on a review of the RTA and will draft key points that supporters of affordable housing can use to present their views on Monday night, October 2, at 7pm, at the Planning Commission meeting.
Stay tuned for our updated PLB Talking Points, which currently include:
AHS strongly encourages the County to ensure that the final Plan Langston Boulevard:
- Achieves the 2,500 CAFs (committed affordable units) promised in the Affordable Housing Master Plan by the set goal of 2040, not waiting until 2075.
- Maximizes height and density potential for residential construction, most especially to incentivize affordable housing development on the Langston Blvd corridor.
- Provides maximum flexibility for affordable housing construction, such as with lot size, lot consolidation, and co-location of affordable housing on County and APS land.
- Articulates the need for housing units at 30% AMI (area median income) and the need for a range of AMI's that are up to 60% AMI.
- Prioritizes the review of the East Falls Church and Cherrydale plans, a commitment to increased funding for CAF preservation/development, and the study of additional planning tools for the Langston Blvd corridor, such as TIF (tax increment financing).
Join us to provide Public Comment for Plan Langston Boulevard!
- Planning Commission Hearing Request to Advertise
- Monday, October 2, Commission Hearing 700pm
- County Board Hearing Request to Advertise
- October 14, Board Meeting 830am
- Planning Commission Hearing Final Action
- Late October/Early November (agenda and date TBD)
- County Board Hearing Final Action
- November Board Meeting (agenda and date TBD)
How to Get Involved:
- Attend Virtual "Open Door Monday" meetings with a County Board member every Monday in October/November. Register here by 5 PM that day.
- Submit written comments to the Planning Commission here.
- Submit written comments to the County Board: [email protected]
Additional PLB Resources:
Phase 2 of Homeownership Study Released
The Arlington County Homeownership Study Phase 2 Report is now available for public review. The report can be read here.
The Phase 2 Report presents the vision, goals, and objectives that were developed through the recent community engagement process. Feedback gathered from the report will provide a basis for further research and the drafting of the County's new Homeownership Program recommendations later this fall.
Join the conversation! The next hybrid meeting of the Homeownership Subcommittee will be on Wednesday, October 18, at 12 noon. Register here.
You can also subscribe to Homeownership Study updates.
Meet the AHS Board:
Kitty Clark Stevenson
 Our September AHS Meet the Board spotlight is on Kitty Clark Stevenson, who was raised in Arlington's historic African American community of Hall's Hill.
What drove your interest in AHS?
My interest began with a member of the FS8 Angels, Edith Gravely, who shared a request from former AHS Executive Director Michelle McDonough Winters to connect with Hall's Hill/Highview Park neighbors. At the time, Michelle was seeking more representation from our historically Black community. We are seldom invited to join county groups, or are even offered a seat at the table. Since housing discrimination is a factor in our segregated communities, I knew that representation would be a starting place for us. After meeting Michelle and talking with her, it was an easy decision.
What are your AHS goals for 2023?
My AHS 2023 goals and beyond, are to learn more about the County’s housing plans, including expanded housing options and programs. I also want to ensure that housing education and information are provided broadly, especially in our historic minority communities, and support homelessness elimination efforts for all in need.
20 Years and Counting
Join Us for
AHS Anniversary Celebrations!
Join AHS for its 20th Anniversary Celebration on Monday, November 20th at the National Landing Experience Center from 3:30PM to 7:30PM. The event will include the Leckey Forum and the Bozman Awards, two highlights of Arlington's affordable housing advocacy calendar.
The Leckey Forum will feature a panel of experts who will discuss a unique tool that could help Arlington more effectively address housing affordability challenges. The Bozman Awards will recognize two individuals who have made significant contributions to advancing affordable housing policies and equity in Arlington.
Keep an eye on your email for more details about our 20th Anniversary Celebration and how to get your ticket.
Refreshed AHS Website
Goes Live October 1st
We are excited to announce the October 1st launch of our newly refreshed Alliance for Housing Solutions website. Located at the same domain, , the refreshed AHS website has a new sleeker look that makes it easier for you to navigate and find the information you need to stay informed and active as a strong advocate for affordable housing.
Our website features updated content, resources, events, and news about our work and impact in the community. You can also learn more about our programs, partners, and supporters, and how you can get involved with us. We hope you enjoy our new website and we look forward to hearing from you.
Do you have a flair for writing? Can you craft engaging and effective messages for different social media platforms? If you or someone you know has these skills, then AHS wants you to join its team as a communications consultant! Want to know more? Check out the job description here and then apply with your resume and a brief work sample that demonstrates your writing ability to [email protected] using the subject line: (LAST NAME) / Communications Consultant Inquiry.
The Alliance for Housing Solutions is a small nonprofit with a big voice. By joining us as a volunteer you can help advance solutions designed to increase the supply of safe, affordable housing for a diverse and sustainable community. There are many ways to assist: photography, social media, fundraising, and event support are just a few.
To express interest in volunteering, you may access our volunteer form here and an AHS volunteer coordinator will follow up with you.
Learn and Share in Policy Discussions
Become a member of the Alliance for Housing Solutions community on the platform to learn, share ideas, and be part of policy discussions. We currently offer the following groups:
This coalition of housing and service providers and advocates meets online monthly to share information, plan strategies, and advocate on a range of housing issues in Arlington. Join here
Join a group of people committed to increasing the diversity of options and price points of housing in Arlington. Join here
In this group, homeowners, architects, and realtors ask questions, share best practices, and provide support for those interested in developing accessory dwellings. Join here
Increasing the supply of affordable housing through education, policy, advocacy, and innovation.