When a lot of supporters chip in $28.14 at once, it makes a powerful difference in sustaining Fair Fight’s efforts. 

What if we told you it takes $28.14 to help protect our democracy?

That’s our average donation to emails like these, and it’s what we’re asking you to contribute today to help get back on track towards our $45,000 September goal. We’ll be the first to tell you, because we’ve seen it before: When a lot of supporters chip in $28.14 at once, it makes a powerful difference to combat Republican voter suppression attempts and mobilize voters, which is even more urgent ahead of critical upcoming elections in 2023 and 2024.

In case you need more convincing, here’s what $28.14 can do:

  • Equip a voter with the educational materials they need to get to their polling place
  • Train a volunteer to call or text hundreds of voters ahead of an election
  • Purchase online ads to reach new voters

The investments we make right now will determine how much we can protect the freedom to vote in this and next year’s election cycles.

If donors like you each contribute $28.14 today, we can invest even greater resources in the 2023 municipal elections, kick our 2024 organizing program into high gear, and empower voters across Georgia to make their voices heard. Add your donation right away >>

DONATE $28.14

Thank you for all that you do,

The Fair Fight Team

P.S. — If you would like to make a donation today but can’t commit to $28.14, we completely understand. Make a donation of any amount here: