No fish in the sea? Where has all the Chinook salmon gone, Friend?

We’re as thrilled as you are about the two new baby orcas born earlier this year, but they don’t have a fighting chance with what they’re up against. From global warming and shipping traffic to cruise ship pollution and ocean acidification, the population of Southern Resident orcas are at an ALL-TIME LOW-- with only 75 Southern Resident orcas left.

There’s so much changing about their habitats that it is even more difficult to survive. In fact, stress and grief induces the risk of miscarriages which is why 69% of orcas lose their young before they are born. You can imagine how incredible the birth of TWO orca calves is for this endangered whale.

But Friend, for these calves to make it through their first year of life, their mothers need enough to eat. Chinook salmon, an essential food source, is being DEPLETED by corporate overfishing and bycatch, leaving little left to feast on for these hungry orcas. Without enough Chinook salmon, the newborn orcas would be left weak and fragile and could DIE of malnutrition and starvation.

This is where you come in to help, Friend. If you can take less than 60 seconds to add your name to our petition to STOP corporate overfishing, you could give orcas a chance at survival! Can these two newborn calves count on you?

Pregnant Southern Resident orcas need A LOT of fish to remain healthy and strong-- they can consume about 300 pounds of fish DAILY. And once they give birth, the baby orcas rely entirely on nourishment from their mama orca to stay alive. Newborn orcas have a 50% chance of survival which makes them extremely vulnerable in their first year of life.

Restoring the main food source of these precious marine mammals is CRUCIAL. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has the power to hold greedy fishing corporations accountable and help SAVE the remaining endangered Southern Resident orcas. If there is no immediate action, we could lose our treasured whales FOREVER.

Time and fish are running out Friend. Please speak up for these vulnerable baby orcas before we lose them. Sign the petition before 11:59pm TONIGHT to tell NMFS to STOP corporate overfishing >>

Thanks for helping save endangered orcas,
Friends of the Earth
