There is incredible news in Adam Frisch’s campaign to defeat Lauren Boebert:


There is incredible news in Adam Frisch’s campaign to defeat Lauren Boebert:

FIRST: Adam Frisch announced that he is running again against Lauren Boebert, after losing in 2022 by just 546 votes. It was the closest race in the entire country.

THEN: After getting the race wrong in 2022, every political pundit is now saying that Adam Frisch can defeat Lauren Boebert in 2024 – and the latest poll shows Adam narrowly LEADING Boebert: 50% to 48%.

AND NOW: Tens of thousands of grassroots donors like you have chipped in to Adam Frisch’s campaign against Lauren Boebert – and we are so close to hitting our critical end-of-quarter FEC deadline goal!

This is it. 2024 is the year we WILL kick Lauren Boebert out of Congress.

Adam is facing the most critical FEC deadline of the campaign at midnight on Saturday, and we’ve set a goal of raising $2.2 million online so we can keep up the momentum – but right now, we’re still $117,392 short.

Please, can Adam Frisch count on you to give right now – whatever amount you can afford – to help us hit our critical end-of-quarter FEC goal and defeat Lauren Boebert? Every single dollar you give today will go directly to Adam’s campaign and help him finally kick Boebert out of Congress.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Lauren Boebert has never been more vulnerable, but we cannot stop here or let up now – not if we want to actually defeat her next November.

Thanks for chipping in and being a part of this people-powered campaign,

Team Frisch