This race could decide whether we can deliver more results for working people or whether right-wing extremists will take the driver’s seat.
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Warren for Senate

Republicans only need to flip two seats to take control of the U.S. Senate.

And they think they’ve got a golden opportunity in Nevada.

That’s where my friend and colleague Senator Jacky Rosen is up for re-election. Nevada had the nation’s closest Senate race in 2022, and it could determine which party wins a majority in 2024 — deciding whether we can deliver more results for working people or whether right-wing extremists will take the driver’s seat.

But Jacky was recently outraised by her Republican opponent — and recent polling tracked her two points behind.

We’ve got to re-elect Jacky Rosen, and early donations make the biggest difference to help plan for the rest of this election cycle. So can you please split a contribution of $28 or any amount between our two campaigns before the critical FEC fundraising deadline coming up?

If we keep Jacky Rosen in the U.S. Senate, she’ll keep fighting for the families who most need our government on their side.

She hasn’t had anything handed to her. She was the first person in her family to graduate from college. After waiting tables to help put herself through school, she worked as a banquet waitress to pay the bills as she was jumping into the male-dominated computer programming industry.

And she has brought that tenacity to Congress — fighting for affordable health care, better pay for teachers, and protections for Nevada’s beautiful natural environment (a place Bruce and I love to go hiking). Together, we successfully called on the Department of Veterans Affairs to start offering abortion services, and I’ll be very happy to keep working with her to ensure the right to an abortion nationwide.

You know, I went to Nevada to campaign for Jacky Rosen in 2018. I saw that she had put grassroots donations to good use, helping build a grassroots campaign.

And now that she’s up for re-election, she’s making decisions about the types of investments her campaign will be able to make for the long haul.

The amount she raises right now will shape her plans all the way through Election Day and help determine how many voters she can reach. So this is the perfect moment to send in a contribution and help secure a victory.

If it makes sense for you right now, please split a donation between Jacky Rosen’s re-election campaign and ours ahead of the September FEC fundraising deadline. Help defend our Senate majority, and help keep a strong fighter for working families in the ring.

Thanks for being a part of this,


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