Friend, could you help us hit our critical Q3 goal?


With the Mexican drug cartels running our southern border as illegal immigrants and deadly fentanyl pour into our country, it’s safe to say that I’ve had enough of the Biden Administration.

So with our critical end-of-quarter deadline just DAYS AWAY, I need your help to hit my Q3 goal and help Republicans WIN in key swing states across the country in 2024.

Because winning back the Senate majority from the Democrats is the only way for the GOP to put an end to the left’s disastrous agenda and right the course for our great nation.

Friend, even if we put a Republican in the Oval Office next year, leftists will kneecap his/her conservative agenda unless we tear down their razor-thin Senate majority in 2024 as well.

Every dollar contributed by patriots like YOU across the country will improve our chances of removing Chuck Schumer and the liberals from control of our upper chamber next November.

Please contribute now to help us hit our Q3 fundraising goal so we have the necessary resources to help conservatives WIN across the country in 2024.







Thank you,

Thom Tillis
U.S. Senator - North Carolina

Paid for by the Thom Tillis Committee

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