Good afternoon and welcome to our Week-End Update.
I began the week conducting a series of interviews regarding
current events, including the coronavirus, the Democratic presidential
contest and I explained why Pennsylvania will go for Trump again in
2020. On Monday, I spoke with RJ Harris on WHP 580 for our monthly
run-down of important topics. On Tuesday, I joined Stuart Varney on
Varney & Co. at Fox Business. Click
here to watch.

The Democratic presidential candidates are running on a socialist
agenda. They want to shut down the natural gas industry, coal and all
fossil fuels. They are promising free government-run services with
trillion-dollar price tags, want to regulate everything from gun
purchases to the amount of soda you can drink, Medicare-for-All,
taxpayer-funded college tuition and are advocating for tax
Please see the political cartoon we are highlighting
this week that accurately sums up the current status of the Democratic
primary. Bernie's brand of socialist politics is the Democratic
Party's brand.

By the way, President Donald Trump will be in Pennsylvania for a
town hall on Fox News with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum on March 5
at 6:30 pm in Scranton. Click
on the link below for more details.

In another sign of just how extreme many Democrats in Congress have
gotten, the U.S. House Democrats voted down a Republican-proposed
amendment that would have inserted the text of the Born Alive Abortion
Survivors Protection Act into the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act. All
Republicans and 3 Democrats voted in support of the amendment, but 220
Democrats voted against an amendment that would ensure infants born
alive during an abortion receiving life-saving medical care from a
doctor. It's really an outrage to the American people that House
Democrat leadership would not support the Born Alive bill language. It
again highlights the extremity of Washington Democrats and highlights
the importance of working to elect a Republican-controlled House.

In other events this week, I attended a reception for the National
Association of Broadcasters, a reception in honor of former members of
Pennsylvania's Congressional Delegation, a breakfast with other
freshmen Republican Congressional members and a dinner meeting with my
Pennsylvania Republican congressional colleagues.
Like many Catholics in the 9th District, I observed Ash Wednesday,
the beginning of the Lenten season. Pictured below with Rep. Clay
Higgins and House Chaplain Pat Conway.

This week we recognized National Future Farmers of America Week, a
celebration of the great work that Future Farmers of America does for
students in Pennsylvania and around the nation. I am a strong advocate
for our agriculture industry in Congress!

While the media continues to do their best to downplay our nation's
economic success under President Trump, the facts don't lie.
The Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) final pre-election
forecasts from August 2016 illustrate how today's economic turnaround
was unexpected before President Trump's election.
- Real GDP is 1.4 percent—or $260 billion—higher than
- Real wage and salary compensation per household is roughly $2,300
higher than projected;
- Total nonfarm payroll employment is 5 million higher than
- The unemployment rate is 1.4 percentage points below
- The labor force participation rate is 1.5 percentage points above

Folks, Americans have an entrepreneurial, independent mentality. In
China and other communist and socialist states, they are very
dependent. They turn to command central for solutions
to problems. This led to the downfall of the Soviet Union and the
downfall of all socialist regimes. This dependence on central command
in China is one of the reasons that the coronavirus issue got so
out-of-control. In America, we work to tackle issues at the local
level independently with the private sector and using
the public sector as support, not as the only answer to our problems.
This is just one reason why we are far better prepared to effectively
handle issues like this virus.
Our nation and its leaders must continue to glorify in our
independence because that is what creates our exceptionalism. This
must be very much part of our message this year and our policies in
Washington must reflect a commitment to ensuring the preservation of
our American way of life.
The impact of the coronavirus in China and other locations around
the world, coupled with the uncertainty surrounding the virus in our
country, has been reflected in the market downturn over the past week.
Democrats and the media have unfairly criticized the Trump
Administration's preparedness for the virus. The President is leading
on the issue and appointed Vice President Mike Pence to lead the
I understand that many of you are concerned about the spread of the
virus. I have attended several meetings with senior health officials
from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and U.S. Departments of
State and Health & Human Services, as well as the Pennsylvania
Department of Health. I want to provide an update based on the latest
information from these expert sources.
The American public
remains at a low risk of infection. Of 459 possible cases, only 15
have been confirmed in our country and in only 6 U.S. states.
Worldwide, confirmed cases have occurred in 58 countries but the vast
majority of cases are in China, specifically in the Wuhan province.
Although the fatality rate at the epicenter of the outbreak in China
is 2.7%, it is considerably lower worldwide and in developed countries
like the United States. The vast majority of people who have had the
coronavirus are now recovering as they would from any other illness.
more information, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention by clicking here.

Coronavirus poses a low risk to you and your community and
traditional hygiene practices can ensure the virus remains contained.
I will continue to provide updates on developments as they occur.
Thank you and we will see you soon,