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Dear Friend,

Our Guns of August bundle features some of the leading thinkers of the 20th century writing about how the World Wars changed Western civilization and how war and intervention have shaped our society.

Robert Nisbet argues that the role of the United States changed forever following World War I, and any concept of nation must include this historical development. Ludwig von Mises argued that the economic fallout of the Great War was as important a factor as foreign policy in the creation of a new monetary order.

Discussion of the First World War leads into an explanation of the Second through the lens of seasoned journalist William Henry Chamberlin. And finally, The American Nation is a collection of primary sources that demonstrates America’s emergence as a major power on the world stage.

The Guns of August promotion ends in three days, and we don’t want you to miss out.

Order this bundle of timeless classics today to enjoy 50% off automatically at checkout.

Art by Beck & Stone.

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Join the LF Portal today for enlightening discussion and commentary on the books in our Guns of August bundle.

* The book bundle cannot be altered or substituted. Subject to available inventory. 
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