Housing Targets for 10 Municipalities Set at 60,000 in the Next 5 Years
BC Government
On Tuesday, the Minister of Housing announced the targets the initial 10 municipalities identified under the Housing Supply Act are expected to fulfill. In total, over 60,000 net new housing units will be required to be completed within five years. Net new means new units that are ready for move-in, minus units that were lost through demolition.
The targets are based on 75% of the municipality's identified housing needs and take into consideration the total number of units needed to address current shortages and future growth in the next five years.
Municipalities will be evaluated after six months, and every year thereafter, on their progress toward achieving the housing targets and actions taken to meet the target. The Province will monitor progress and work with municipalities. Another eight to 10 municipalities will be announced this year.
Full announcement details can be found here.
'Naughty List' Mayors Wonder Where Money Will Come From as BC Sets Housing Targets
Vancouver Sun
While ambitious housing targets have been set for the first 10 municipalities identified under the Housing Supply Act, the mayors of some of these cities are speaking out and asking where the money will come from to build these homes.
Oak Bay Mayor Kevin Murdoch told Postmedia News it will be "difficult" to get to 664 units (Oak Bay's set target) without support from the provincial government. "Our biggest issue here is how do we get there? That's going to take some provincial support," Murdoch said, noting Oak Bay has a small planning department with limited resources.
You can read more about the response to the housing targets announcement here in the Vancouver Sun.
Education Summit 2023 Brings Together Construction-Related Groups to Connect on Common Issues
On Monday and Tuesday, Education Summit 2023 brought together around 100 delegates from a diverse group of organizations to learn and network.
In addition to CHBA BC and the Building Officials of BC who served as co-hosts, members of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia, Engineers and Geoscientists BC, Canadian Construction Materials Center and Thermal Environmental Comfort Association were all represented.
The two-day summit was an incredible opportunity to bring these groups together in one room along with BC Housing, BC Hydro, Fortis, and the Building and Safety Standards Branch. Attendees engaged in conversations about a broad range of topics impacting the residential construction industry.
Education Summit 2023 was also an opportunity to earn up to 12 CPD credits and to learn about a broad range of highly technical topics, including updates to the BC Building Code, Zero Carbon Step Code, and Radon in Residential Construction.
Have You Started Your 2024 Georgie Awards Submission?
The 2024 Georgie Awards will feature 52 categories and the Submission Portal is open for CHBA BC's members to enter their best work for the highest level of achievement in the residential development and construction industry.
Whether you're a first-timer or a Georgie Awards veteran, the FAQ at the Submission Portal will walk you through the process of entering your project for consideration.
As a reminder, the online entry form closes at 8:00 p.m.
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CHBA Central Okanagan's Office is Moving
On Oct. 1, CHBA CO will have a new home, but the local association isn't going far, as its new office is right next door to the current location.
As of next week, CHBA BC's new address is Unit 214 - 1884 Spall RD Kelowna BC, V1Y 4R1. The old address was Unit 216.
New Fee Schedules as of January 1
Technical Safety BC
After a period of consultation, Technical Safety BC has released the upcoming fee changes effective Jan. 1, 2024.
Most fees will increase by 7% next year, while other changes include:
- Charging the same fee across all technologies for certification exams, with cost dependent on the format of exam delivery (paper, digital remote, digital in-person, or practical); and
- Charging the same hourly rates across all technologies for administrative, professional, and safety services.
As a self-funded, not-for-profit safety regulator, Technical Safety BC says it has done everything possible to keep fee increases at a minimum, including closing underused offices, reducing operating budgets, deferring hiring, and eliminating multiple roles within our organization. The new fee structure is in place to offset growing costs and maintain safety oversight in BC.
In addition, after hearing feedback from our fee consultation conducted earlier this year, and the impact our proposed fees would have on people entering the trades and professions, we have reduced most certification exam fees from what we had proposed.
The new fee schedules for 2024–2025 are available here.
Promoted by Centra Windows, Inc
 Working on a new residential development? Centra Windows offers superior products and intelligent solutions, with their local code experts bringing efficiency to the table in more ways than one.
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CHBA's Home Buyer Preference Survey is Now Open
 Want to know what home buyers are looking for in a new home? What features they will trade off to get what they want? CHBA's annual nationwide market research study is now open. This is the largest market research study on new home buyer preferences in the country and a huge member benefit.
It takes just two minutes to sign up, and then 15 minutes of an administrator's time to provide a list of your recent buyers. In return, you'll have your customers surveyed on a variety of topics, including why they bought where they did, why they picked you as a builder, what features were important to them, and what they're looking for in their next home.
More information on this year's survey is available here.
Government of Canada Invests $107 Million in New Vancouver Rental Homes
Journal of Commerce
Another housing announcement in Vancouver has committed $107.5 million in fully repayable low-interest loans through the Rental Construction Financing Initiative (RCFi) to build 215 rental homes for residents of Vancouver.
The funding will be used to construct a 19-storey apartment building with 215 purpose-built rental units in Vancouver's Cambie Corridor. The loan from the federal government is through the CMHC and CHBA BC member, Marcon, contributed $6.6 million in cash equity. Construction is expected to be completed in June 2025.
The RCFi provides fully repayable low-interest loans to encourage the construction of more purpose-built rental housing for middle-income Canadians. Through RCFi, the federal government is encouraging the construction of more than 71,000 rental units, the release said.
Read more at the Journal of Commerce.
Weekly Update
Canadian Home Builders' Association of British Columbia
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