John, many Americans are unaware of this MAJOR threat that could gut your rights and mine.
That’s why I testified before Congress against a dangerous plot to put our rights to free speech, privacy, civil rights – and more – up for grabs in an “Article V constitutional convention.”
"The worst case scenario is that it puts all of our most cherished constitutional and civil rights up for grabs."
If passed, such a convention would allow unelected, unaccountable delegates free rein to rewrite our Constitution – imposing an extreme far-right agenda on the entire nation with no recourse or oversight.
Experts are calling an Article V convention one of the greatest present threats to our democracy because there are no rules governing it, and no checks on its power.
That means we don’t know who would represent the people at an Article V convention, there’s no limit to dark money influence, and there’s no part of our Constitution that would be off-limits.
I know how this might sound. You might be thinking there’s no way our country could allow its Constitution to be gutted like this. But the reality is, only 6 states stand between you, me, and an Article V convention.
That’s why I’m sounding the alarm far and wide – in front of Congress, in the media, and on the ground.
Our grassroots team is fighting back in any state with a bill to call an Article V convention – like when we stopped Montana from signing on earlier this year by just one vote. And we’re exposing the shadowy donor networks behind this far-right power grab – like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
But John, we’re fighting an uphill battle. This year alone, 124 Article V convention bills were introduced in 42 states. And the push for an Article V convention is very well-funded by wealthy special interests that stand to rig the Constitution to their own benefit.
As a grassroots organization, our power and the resources to fight back come from people like you. If we’re going to stand a chance against an Article V convention, and use the increased momentum my testimony has brought us, we urgently need your help today, John.
Can I count on you to donate $3 or more and STOP the Article V plot from SHREDDING our Constitution?
John, I’m honored to be able to fight alongside people like you. I hope I can count on your support today.
Thank you,
Stephen Spaulding, Vice President of Policy & External Affairs
and the team at Common Cause