For the first time in history, United Auto Workers (UAW) have gone on strike against all of the Big Three automakers – Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis – here in Detroit.

After months of negotiating in good faith for a fair contract, they’ve been left with no choice but to walk the picket line to ensure every worker, not just those at the top, get their fair share.

I stand in solidarity with UAW workers who are striking for fair compensation and working conditions. It’s the right thing to do, which is why I walked the picket line over the weekend.

UAW members helped build America’s middle class and put the world on wheels. Thousands of these hardworking men and women call MI-10 home and we need to show them that we have their backs.

That's why I'm asking 1,000 folks to join me in standing with striking workers before midnight tonight, and I'm counting on you to be one of them, JOHN.

Will you add your name to join the UAW in calling for fair wages, job security, and the benefits they deserve?


Solidarity forever,

Carl Marlinga