From Michael Toppen, <[email protected]>
Subject Get on the list AND get a signed copy of Ruben's book!
Date September 28, 2023 3:38 PM
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Michael Toppen here. Ruben Gallego's Finance Director.

I'm reaching out because you are one of Ruben's top supporters.

You probably know we have an FEC deadline coming on Saturday, and Ruben asked me to reach out with a special request:

According to our records, you haven't donated online (with this email address) to our campaign yet.

As you may know, we are legally required to report how much money we’ve raised when our FEC deadline ends at the end of the month AND submit a list of everyone who has donated more than $201.

If you can donate that $201 right now, not only will you get your name on our official FEC report but we'll send you a SIGNED copy of Ruben's book as his way of saying thank you.

That’s a big request. But this is a big deadline. Your donation today, if you can make it, will have a huge impact on Ruben and this campaign.

So, please: Use this link before midnight to donate and get a SIGNED copy of Ruben's book:

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Thank you,

Michael Toppen

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