Did you see my email earlier this week about the upcoming election on March 3rd?
Super Tuesday is just days away, so we don’t have a lot of time. I’m writing to see if you can make a donation ASAP, so I have the resources I need to win this critical election.
Thank you for your unwavering support!
Begin Forwarded Email
Election Day is March 3rd, and voting has already started across our district. You are a key part of our success, so I wanted to remind you about a few important items.
First, make sure you’re registered to vote. Even if you missed the registration deadline for the March 3 primary, you can still conditionally register and vote in person at your polling place. It’s so important to make sure you’re able to vote. If you’re not registered to vote, please check with your county elections office for more information.
And second, with four challengers in this race, our campaign must make sure we cover all the bases. We have to reach as many voters as possible to ensure they have all the information they need to make the right choices on Election Day — which is months earlier than it has been in the past. We don’t have a lot of time to get our message out to voters before they make their decision.
Our goal is to raise $3,000 before midnight on February 29th. Can you click this link to rush in a donation today?
As chair of the Natural Resources Committee’s Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee, I’m in a strong position to keep on fighting to protect clean air, clean water, and build a clean energy future. We’ve had a lot of success already, but there’s plenty more to do — and I hope you’ll give me the support to prevail in this primary and look ahead to November.
Please take a moment to give to my campaign right now, before this Saturday at midnight.
I’m depending on my grassroots supporters to provide the resources I need to return to Washington and be your advocate in Congress.
Thanks for your help,