Arrington Slams Biden on Border, Offers Amendment Affirming States’ Right to Secure the Border  

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Arrington offered an amendment to the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act to affirm states’ sovereign right to secure the border when the federal government fails to do so. This amendment mirrors Rep. Arrington’s H. Res. 50, which has gained support from dozens of his Republican colleagues and garnered attention through press conferences, op-eds, and Governor Abbott’s recent declaration of an invasion at our southern border. 

Rep. Arrington took to the floor to introduce his amendment and deliver a speech emphasizing the urgent crisis at the border. To watch Rep. Arrington’s remarks, click here or click the video below: 


Rep. Arrington’s remarks:

“I rise to offer an amendment to the Appropriations for Homeland Security, where we would include House Resolution 50, which affirms every sovereign state's right to self-defense in the face of this unprecedented and unmitigated humanitarian and security crisis. States do not have to be a passive victim of a failed federal government.

 The federal government has failed because our Commander in Chief has failed to do his first and most important job: provide for the common defense. He's also failed to uphold the laws of the land. In fact, Title 8 of U. S. Code says that no other citizen can induce people to break the law, and it says that you can't harbor people who have broken the law.

 In fact, it goes on to say that if you're doing that, you're aiding and abetting law breaking. This administration has aided and abetted what I believe is an invasion by the drug cartels pushing their poison into our country, into my state, into our communities. Killing our families and our friends at hundreds a day.

 It's the leading cause of death in this country. And we have a President and a Homeland Security Secretary with the audacity to say that this border is under “operational control” of the Department of Homeland Security of these great United States. Baloney! Nobody believes it. I just got back from Eagle Pass.

 The chaos and lawlessness has never burned hotter, and the people of those border towns have never felt more abandoned. It is shameful that a country as great as the United States of America would surrender control of our border to paramilitary terrorist cartels. Shameful! Here's the good news. Here's the saving grace for Texas and every state in this country- they have the constitutional power of self-defense, and it is explicit, and it is crystal clear in the Constitution. 

 When the states decided – and, by the way, the federal government didn't create the states, the sovereign states created the federal government, they made darn sure that in a situation like this, where the federal government failed in their obligation to repel an invasion, that they would maintain the authority to defend their border and their citizens from this chaos and the criminal elements that are just deluging our great Lone Star State.

 Article 4, Section 4 is the obligation of the federal government to repel an invasion for each and every state. In Article 1, Section 10, it's clear: If there's an actual invasion, or there is imminent danger such that will not permit delay. Now, I want my Democrat colleagues to explain to me why the current conditions at the southern border, on account of this administration's failures, is not imminent danger to the citizens of Texas, such that will not permit delay.

 I stand with Governor Abbott. And state leaders all along the southern border and everywhere in this country: stand up, fill the gap, enforce the laws, deport, detain, secure the border, and for God's sakes, protect the citizens of Texas and all the good people of this country. And restore law and order. 

 We welcome the immigrant who wants a better life. We welcome the immigrant who wants a better future for their family. But, we will only welcome those who respect our laws, our sovereignty, and the safety of the American people. That's where I stand, Mr. Chairman. And I can do no other, say no other, and I'm gonna continue to stand on that until we get a change up here in Washington, or we have all resources deployed to do the job that the federal government just apparently will not do on account, I believe, of a president who would rather placate and appease a fringe group in his party than to prioritize the safety of the American people…More is said than done is this town, and ain’t nothing getting done on the border. Texas: do your job. The Constitution is behind you, and so am I. 

 God bless and go West Texas.”


Your friend and fellow West Texan,
Jodey C. Arrington
Member of Congress
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