This request comes at a very important time for our campaign, for Arizona, and for our country.

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Good morning, John.

I am reaching out to humbly ask if you can please make a $3 contribution to my campaign for Senate today.

This request comes at a very important time for our campaign, for Arizona, and for our country. Please let me explain:

John McCain used to represent the Republican Party in Arizona. We didn’t agree on everything, but I respected him. He served our country honorably in the Navy. He was a good man and Arizonans were lucky to have him.

Today, Kari Lake is the Republican Party in Arizona. Someone who attacks our democracy at every turn. Trump’s loudest, biggest advocate. Someone who lies, spins conspiracies, and calls for political violence.

She’s dangerous, end of story. And she’s announcing her campaign next month — right after our FEC deadline hits.

That’s really tough timing for us, because we’re way behind on our goal. If we don’t raise what we need to before that deadline, Kari Lake could get the edge on us. She could win, with dire consequences for Arizona and the country.

That's why I am writing this morning. I need your help. Almost all of our donations come in response to emails like this one. There's just no other way for our campaign to raise the money we need to win.

So here is the part where I ask, humbly:

Can I count on you to please make a $3 contribution to my campaign for Senate in Arizona before our FEC fundraising deadline ends in just a few days?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support at this critical time means a lot.



Paid For By Gallego for Arizona

Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform do not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.

This email was sent to [email protected]. Emails like this are a critical tool for our campaign's fundraising and organizing efforts, but if you need to, you can unsubscribe here. If you would like to support Ruben's campaign for Senate, please consider making a donation today.