This is a more personal story.

Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

Here's a quick update on our FEC goal:

We're making progress, but we still need to raise about $6,000 by 9/30. I'm counting on you to step up and get us over the finish line. 🙏🏿


I wanted to share something personal with y'all. You may remember I went viral earlier this year for benching three reps of 405 lbs.

Image of Rep. Bowman bench pressing in the gym.

Achieving that felt amazing, not gonna lie. But I really don't do it to impress anyone or anything like that.

I lift weights because I had a health scare earlier this year, and I knew if I wanted to be a good father, husband, Congressman, and community leader, I needed to get my well-being right.

I started eating better and hitting the gym. I didn't just feel better physically -- I became mentally sharper and started getting even more joy from my work than usual.

Everyone deserves the chance to improve their well-being. But think about how much gets in the way of that. If I didn't have health insurance, I never would have gotten that warning from the doctor. If I had to work two or three jobs to pay the bills, I wouldn't have time, money, or energy to work out.

That's why I'm fighting for policies that would give everyone the basic dignity that we all deserve. And if you're with me in that, I'm asking you to chip in right now.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

So when I'm hitting the weight room, it's not just about the weight. It's about the values behind our entire movement. 💪🏿

Peace and love,
