Health Policy Center
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Health Policy Update
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Estimating the cost and effects of adding a dental benefit to Medicare Part B
The expansion would substantially increase the use of and spending on dental care for all beneficiaries, with the largest percent increases for income groups and racial-ethnic groups with the lowest levels of dental use and spending.
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Medicaid-eligible but unenrolled adults: Are they insured?
Researchers found that Medicaid-eligible adults who are not enrolled have outcomes similar to uninsured low-income adults rather than low-income adults with insurance.
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How do people make choices among Marketplace plans?
Many Marketplace enrollees prioritize affordability, particularly silver plans with additional subsidies, when selecting plans. Nevertheless, some consumers are willing to pay for more generous plans or more robust provider networks, as the available evidence shows.
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Building the evidence base for advancing vaccine equity
Grantees found that specific outreach methods, like community building and culturally and linguistically relevant messages, were crucial in advancing vaccine equity and uptake in different populations.
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Assessing COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund (PRF) payments
Findings indicate that PRF distributions to hospitals were appropriately targeted and did not make some hospitals significantly more profitable than others. The PRF payments helped offset financial losses associated with the pandemic.
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