Dear Friend,

We’ve been talking a lot recently about the importance of pushing on tech companies to prioritize child safety.  

But what happens when the tech companies refuse?  

A large proportion of the time, tech companies DO listen when you join us in pressing on them. But sometimes there are stubborn bad actors. This is why NCOSE’s strategy isn’t limited only to direct advocacy with corporations.  

We’ve developed a three-pronged strategy which, when you partner with us, is hugely successful in achieving wide-scale change. The three prongs are as follows:  

1. Corporate Advocacy: Advocating directly with tech companies to make needed safety changes 

2. Public Policy: Calling for federal and state legislation that would hold tech companies accountable and require them to prioritize safety  

3. Civil Litigation: Suing corporations that persist in particularly bad behaviour, so as to bring justice to survivors and establish legal precedents that will tie the hands of other tech companies who engage in similar harmful activity  

When tech companies won’t listen to our corporate advocacy efforts, we make them listen through public policy or civil litigation!  

For example:  

  • We are currently backing 5 bipartisan child protection bills. Together with hundreds of other advocates and subject matter experts—and YOU—we are calling on Congress to make this the Child Protection Congress! 

  • The NCOSE Law Center and survivor plaintiffs are pursuing 4 major lawsuits against tech companies that have facilitated and profited from the survivors’ exploitation—such as mainstream social media platforms and pornography websites.  

Will you help us see these bills and lawsuits to the finish line?  

Pursuing lawsuits and changes in public policy is a marathon, not a sprint. They are lengthy efforts which require steady, dependable funding to see them through. Will you be this source of dependable fuel, by becoming a monthly donor?

Just click “make this donation recurring” when you contribute to help build a sustainable movement. 



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