From Lew Rockwell <[email protected]>
Subject The War in the Ukraine in Libertarian Perspective
Date September 28, 2023 8:22 AM
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Thursday, September 28th, 2023


** The War in the Ukraine in Libertarian Perspective ([link removed])

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

** Passions That Cool: Sports and Travel ([link removed])

Ira Katz

** Murder in Beautiful British Columbia ([link removed])

Eric S. Margolis

** Canada: The Great Replacement ([link removed])

Jayant Bhandari

** Is the United States Targeting Russia’s Vladimir Putin for Assassination? ([link removed])

Finian Cunningham

** Can We Prevent Catastrophic Collapse? ([link removed])

Capt. Randall

** Truth Bomblets ([link removed])

Walter Gelles

** Disappearing Americans ([link removed])

Paul Craig Roberts

** Orange Opportunity ([link removed])

Eric Peters

** Former Major City Police Detective Reveals 50% of SIDS Cases Happened Within 48 Hours Post Vaccine ([link removed])

Steve Kirsch

** The State Against Anonymity ([link removed])

Ryan Turnipseed

** Ukrainian Whoppers ([link removed])

Moon of Alabama

** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* Newsom Signs Law Requiring Gender-Neutral Bathrooms in California K-12 Schools ([link removed])
* The Nation Owes a Debt to the Vietnam Veterans Against the War: Camillo Macbeca ([link removed])
* 10 minute cities ([link removed])
* Take your kids out of school! ([link removed])
* On Almost Everything, Follow The Money ([link removed])
* Dennis Kucinich ([link removed])
* Republican “Enablers” ([link removed])
* Scott Ritter: Why the Ukraine Counteroffensive Is Failing ([link removed])
* Rumble Responds to Orwellian Letter from UK Parliament Regarding Russell Brand ([link removed])
* Egypt bans wearing hijab and niqab in schools ([link removed])
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** LRC Blog ([link removed])
* MASK TOXICITY – German Study Finds Permanent & Deadly Damage By CO2 Re-breathing to Children Adolescents, Pregnant Women and Their Unborn Babies ([link removed])
* Tyranny In The UK: Rumble Executives Threatened With ARREST?? ([link removed])
* OUTRAGE! In US Government Shutdown, DC Will Continue To Pay Thousands Of UKRAINIAN Salaries! ([link removed])
* Slippery Speaker: McCarthy Sneaks Ukraine Money Into ‘Must Pass’ Military Bill ([link removed])
* Looks Like the Ukraine War is About to End ([link removed])
* It’s Time To Revisit The No-Virus Theory From an Austrian Perspective ([link removed])
* The Road To Ruin: U.S. Government Adds $1 Trillion In Debt In 3 Months! ([link removed])
* There is no such thing as “Covid-19” ([link removed])
* The Depopulation (via Medicine) Formula ([link removed])
* Hey CDC! I Dare You! ([link removed])
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