This is bribery and self-dealing and you can’t convince me otherwise.



Rick Larsen has once again been named as a conferee of the National Defense Authorization Act – the members of Congress tasked with padding out the Pentagon budget every year.


And handing out fat budgets to the Pentagon is a task Rick is well suited for. When he entered Congress in 2001, fresh off his career as a lobbyist, he was instantly appointed to the powerful House Armed Services Committee despite having ZERO background in military service or foreign policy.


It didn’t take long for the checks to come rolling in. An early and enthusiastic adopter of corporate PAC money, Rick has taken MILLIONS from PACs and lobbyists over the course of his long career in Congress.


Unlike Rick, I don’t take corporate PAC money. If you can spare a few bucks today, we can dislodge this career politician and send him back to his old job as a lobbyist next year.

In his 22 years on the HASC alone, Rick took more than a million in corporate PAC contributions and MILLIONS more in max-outs from defense contractor executives – making Raytheon and Northrop Grumman among his all time top contributors.


A million dollars is a lot of money to a working class American like you and me, but it’s pocket change to these companies that brought home BILLIONS in Defense Department contracts thanks to Rick’s hand on the scales for the last two decades.


But folks, that’s only the first half of the story.


At the same time that Rick has had the privilege of cherry-picking projects for his favorite donors from the military industrial complex, he’s also been trading stocks on his exclusive, secret congressional knowledge.


Rick is one of 15 lawmakers called out for trading defense stocks as a Pentagon policy insider:

A graphic featuring a photo of Rick Larsen against a faded image of the US Capitol building, pointing his finger as he speaks, with the headline from Insider reading: “At least 15 lawmakers who shape US defense policy have investments in military contractors.”

This is legalized bribery and self-dealing, and you can’t convince me otherwise. There is a clear throughline connecting Rick’s corporate donations, steering policies that enrich those donors, then personally profiting off the deals he helped broker.


That conduct may be “legal” but it has NO place in Congress. It’s the reason I’m running against Rick Larsen, and the reason I have not and will never take a dime from corporate PACs or lobbyists. Can you pitch in $25 or $50 today to help me take this seat from a corporate Democrat funded by the war machine?

I firmly believe that corporate cash is poisoning our democracy. As a former elected union rep, I wrote and passed the resolution declaring that corporations are NOT people.


Not only have I sworn off any kind of corporate PAC or lobbyist money from day one, I’ve pledged to donate 30% of my post-tax congressional salary to strike funds.


When I get to Washington D.C., you’ll never have to guess which side I’m on. You won’t catch me at fancy cocktail parties with K-Street lobbyists. I’ll be on the picket lines or in the trenches with the working families of this district and across America – just as I always have been.


Solidarity is our way forward, and we can’t serve the interests of working people when we take the boss’s money.


Help me win this seat next year, and we will send a thunderclap through the political and corporate establishment that they CANNOT ignore.


In solidarity,


Jason Call


Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at, and donate today to help us make history.


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