We set a big goal to help us fully fund our GOTV operations. But as of this morning, we're still short.
Julie Oliver for Congress, District 25

Hi friend. We're preparing right now for our final canvasses before the primary. Our incredible team of volunteers has knocked on thousands of doors this week, but we're taking nothing for granted before March 3.

We set a big goal of $10,000 by tonight to help us fully fund our GOTV operations. And as of this morning, we're still $2,107 short.

Help Julie hit her $10,000 pre-primary goal!

Can you pitch in $15, $27, $50, or more? It's looking like we'll need another 50 grassroots donations to be on track to meet our goal by midnight.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$15 »
$27 »
$50 »
$100 »
$250 »
Other »

This is it. Everything we've worked to build these last months will be put to the test on Tuesday.

I've been so proud to be a part of this campaign to empower Texans and push for bold policies like Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, ending private prisons, and getting big money out of politics. Out in the field, I've seen just how powerfully Julie's message resonates.

We need to make sure that message reaches every last voter who will decide this primary. Please chip in what you can for Julie today >>

Thank you,

Adam Hughes
Field Director





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Paid for by Julie Oliver for Congress

Julie Oliver for Congress
P.O. Box 310
Austin TX 78767 United States