John, we wanted to give you a quick update on where things stand. Firstly, here’s what our ActBlue looks like:

A picture of an ActBlue graph that is slightly declining

As you can see, our fundraising has taken a dip. This means that if we want to hit our quarterly fundraising goal and prepare for an expected opponent launch, we need to pick up the pace from here on out.

Can you pitch in to help? We set a goal of reaching 250 individual contributions before Saturday night, and meeting that goal is only possible if folks like you step up to support Frank’s work.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Last cycle, Republicans spent $9 million trying to defeat Frank.

There’s no telling how many resources they’re going to pour into IN-01 this cycle, but one thing’s for sure: With Frank being named a top target by the National Republican Congressional Committee, we need to be preparing right now for what’s to come from MAGA Republicans.

Chip in today to help us hit our quarterly goal ahead of the FEC’s public filing deadline. Any amount will help us show the Republicans targeting Frank’s district that we have the grassroots support needed to re-elect Frank next year.

Thank you for pitching in,

— Mrvan HQ