This week is crunch time as we approach our next major Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline at midnight on Saturday. I’m sure you’ve already received similar emails about this, but I wanted to take a quick moment to tell you why this fundraising deadline is so vital for me and my team.

The GOP is set on expanding their House majority and getting MAGA values back in the White House. They’re already targeting vulnerable blue seats to flip this cycle, and we can bet that their deep-pocketed backers will scour our reports for any sign of weakness, and use those to decide where – and how much – to spend to win.

All eyes are on Democrats to see how our numbers stack up. We must show an unwavering foundation of support.

Can you pitch in before Saturday night’s deadline to make sure we have what it takes to defeat Republican extremists? We need to raise another $7,000 to have the strongest showing possible.
Grassroots donations make the difference in electing Democrats from coast to coast. If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately by clicking a button below. Otherwise, you will be redirected to a donation page.

Thanks for stepping up.

– Scott


As a leader among Democrats in Congress, Scott Peters has one of the strongest track records of achieving progressive reforms and getting things done. He’s committed to protecting our environment, improving access to affordable healthcare, implementing compassionate immigration reforms and protecting reproductive freedom.

Democrats in swing districts like Scott’s rely on grassroots supporters like you. Make a contribution today.



Paid for by Scott Peters for Congress

Scott Peters for Congress
PO Box 22074
San Diego, CA 92192
United States