Hi John ... have you seen the recent headlines from our southern border?
  • First, border patrol encountered a quarter million illegal immigrants last month, an all-time high for August.
  • Then, authorities reported seizing nearly 3,000 pounds of fentanyl at the border so far this year, enough lethal doses to wipe out the entire country.
There's no way around it. Biden’s agenda has turned our border into absolute chaos and put our national security at risk.

I'm running for Congress to secure our borders once and for all and make sure Orange County's voice is heard loud and clear in Washington.
We need to fight for two things in Washington:
  1. Securing our border with physical barriers, technology, and more border patrol officers. 
  2. Putting an end to the Biden Administration’s catch-and-release policy that allows illegal immigrants to enter our country even when they get caught. 
ONLY after the border is secure can we start talking about reforming our immigration laws. Without a secure border, there’s no law at all. 

>> We can win this fight if we don't sit on the sidelines. That's why I'm hoping you can chip in $25, $50, or $100 TODAY to make sure our campaign has the resources to keep going.

Thank you, 

Max Ukropina 
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