FTC, 17 states file antitrust lawsuit against Amazon | SpartanNash VP talks customer experience, growth plans | Adopting supply chain AI can increase competitiveness
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September 27, 2023
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FTC, 17 states file antitrust lawsuit against Amazon
(David Ryder/Getty Images)
The Federal Trade Commission and 17 states have brought a lawsuit accusing Amazon of anticompetitive practices that drive up prices on other e-commerce websites. The lawsuit against the Seattle-based e-commerce giant was filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington.
Full Story: NBC News (9/26),  The Associated Press (9/26) 
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SpartanNash Executive Vice President Bennett Morgan says the food distributor and grocery retailer is focusing on growth, customer experience and continuous learning while leveraging data analytics to enhance customer offerings. In this Q&A, Morgan also discusses labor and pricing challenges, private-label expansion in fresh, bakery and grocery categories and how technology is being leveraged to enhance pricing strategies and support independent retailers.
Full Story: Store Brands (9/26) 
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Adopting supply chain AI can increase competitiveness
Supply chain leaders are grappling with increasing complexities that arise from changing consumer demand, natural disasters and trade uncertainties, and 50% of organizations plan to invest in AI and analytics this year and next to help, according to Gartner. Ajay Manglani of Kognitos shares the benefits of AI and consequences of ignoring it, noting that early adopters of supply chain AI will gain a significant competitive advantage and ride the wave of continuing advancements.
Full Story: Supply & Demand Chain Executive magazine (free registration) (9/24) 
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Farmland investments and cold-storage operators could become especially valuable as the food system adjusts to the changing climate, according to Lenka Martinek, managing partner at Sustainable Market Strategies and Nordis Capital. "If you're going to have to invest in order to boost productivity in food supply, refrigeration is a big key," said Martinek, highlighting Americold Realty Trust.
Full Story: BNN Bloomberg (Canada) (9/22) 
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Operations and Technology
Shelf-edge technology not only allows grocers to provide shoppers with product and nutrition information, but it can also be coupled with AI to predict product demand, offer dynamic pricing and create personalized promotions. "Some retailers are investigating the potential wider business benefits that come with full back-end integration, such as linking in-store digital signage and an event-driven [internet of things] ecosystem," said Francesca Surace, CEO of In2Digital.
Full Story: Progressive Grocer (9/22) 
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Calif. Gov. Newsom vetoes autonomous trucking measure
Newsom (Noam Galai/Getty Images)
A California bill that would have required human drivers on board self-driving trucks that weighed more than 10,000 pounds has been vetoed by Gov. Gavin Newsom. He said that existing laws are sufficient to regulate autonomous trucks but critics say the vehicles are dangerous and will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs in the state.
Full Story: TechCrunch (tiered subscription model) (9/24),  The Associated Press (9/23) 
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Sales and Marketing
Businesses must prioritize customer service rather than focusing solely on revenue, writes Scott Steward, citing McDonald's as an example. "If we can get back to the fundamentals -- knowing our 'Why,' treating customers like gold, and yes, keeping ... restrooms clean -- we set the stage for a kind of success that's not just profitable, but also meaningful," Steward writes.
Full Story: Medium (tiered subscription model) (9/24) 
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Microsoft is testing Compare & Decide Ads, the first in its new category of AI-based "conversational ads," as part of the Bing chatbot. Tests revealed text ads within chat boost click-thru rates by 1.8% compared to standard search ads in Bing.
Full Story: Adweek (9/21),  Ad Age (tiered subscription model) (9/22) 
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The Business Leader
New employee's journey doesn't end when they're hired
(Andrii Yalanskyi/500px/Getty Images)
Retaining employees needs to be a long game that starts before they're hired and continues for the duration, author and consultant Alaina Love writes. Connect people to purpose, develop an intentional onboarding and support process, pay them fairly and help them grow, Love says.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (9/25) 
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The United Auto Workers against major Detroit carmakers is dragging into its second week, and finance chiefs in the industry are closely managing costs and cash flow during the strike. Larger companies and tier-1 suppliers appear to be on solid financial footing and can weather the strike, but smaller businesses, especially those in the electric vehicle sector, could face more significant challenges. Once the strike ends, CFOs may need to consider budgeting for pay increases to remain competitive in the labor market.
Full Story: The Wall Street Journal (9/22) 
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