This week we focused on poverty and inequality, family income support, health, food assistance, state budgets, taxes, and the economy.
This week at CBPP, we focused on poverty and inequality, family income support, health, food assistance, state budgets and taxes, federal taxes, and the economy.
* On poverty and inequality, Danilo Trisi and Matt Saenz reported ([link removed]) that deep poverty among children rose in the first decade of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, then fell as other programs strengthened. Trisi and Saenz outlined ([link removed]) these findings in a policy brief.
* On family income support, we updated our report ([link removed]) and policy brief ([link removed]) suggesting that states invest more of their TANF dollars in basic assistance for families. We also updated ([link removed]) our fact sheets outlining how states spend funds under the TANF block grant.
* On health, Jessica Schubel described ([link removed]) how the President’s 2021 budget previews administrative actions that would weaken Medicaid. Judith Solomon showed ([link removed]) why Medicaid block grants would affect more than healthy adults.
* On food assistance, Zoë Neuberger explained ([link removed]) how policymakers can boost very young children’s nutrition and health by enrolling more low-income families in WIC.
* On state budgets and taxes, Paul N. Van de Water, Chye-Ching Huang, and Robert Greenstein explained ([link removed]) how the Medicaid fee proposal from New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy would create an unintended incentive for job discrimination. Elizabeth McNichol described ([link removed]) how states are looking to expand opportunity by taxing more wealth and high incomes.
* On federal taxes, Chuck Marr highlighted ([link removed]) the Congressional Black Caucus’s push for an Earned Income Tax Credit for childless workers, then and now, in honor of Black History Month.
* On the economy, we updated ([link removed]) our backgrounder on how many weeks of unemployment compensation are available.
Chart of the Week — Deep Poverty Rose Among Children in Single-Mother Families in Decade After 1996 Law Created TANF ([link removed])
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A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts this past week. Here are some of the highlights:
Social Security Poverty Reduction Significant Among The Non-Elderly Says Think Tank ([link removed])
February 26, 2020
Behind our sluggish response to coronavirus, an unnecessary battle over funding ([link removed])
Washington Post
February 25, 2020
Equity is essential to economic opportunity ([link removed])
February 25, 2020
Trump administration’s “public charge” rules go into effect ([link removed])
February 24, 2020
Housing advocates decry Trump budget cuts ([link removed])
The Hill
February 23, 2020
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