John, This is our biggest challenge yet - our FEC end-of-quarter deadline is almost here, and we’re less than 80% of the way toward our goal.
Missouri could be one of the closest Senate races in America. My Democrat opponents are taking in major money, and they have all the connections they need to possibly take this seat.
And despite all that we’ve achieved in the Senate, they’re determined to smear my record with their Liberal agenda and lies.
Let me be clear: if a Democrat takes this seat, they’ll be another vote for the radical Left. We CANNOT afford to fall short of this goal with so much on the line, Friend.
Please, we can’t afford to come up short in such a make-or-break election. Can you pitch in now and help us meet our end-of-quarter goal?
I’m putting in long hours to make sure we don’t miss this, but I can’t do it alone. |