The moment we saw it, we knew it was a bunch of bunk.
The mailer, excerpted above, landed in Martin County mailboxes over the past week, sent by some "environmental" group incorporated less than two months ago, insisting that "our own sewage" is the main cause of local water quality problems.
That's false; the Florida DEP itself has identified agriculture as by far the biggest source of pollution in the Lake Okeechobee, St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee watersheds. And in fact several of the photos used in the mailer were recognizable from the 2016 Lake Okeechobee-fueled algae crisis — but those behind this mailer want you think leaky septic tanks were to blame for the nasty green scenes.
So why are they lying, and who's behind this nonsense? We break down what we know, and what it likely means, in our latest blog post.