News from Congressman Mike Levin


Dear Neighbor,

This month, my colleagues and I returned to the House intending to pass government funding legislation ahead of the fiscal year deadline on September 30. Sadly, instead of working across the aisle to fund the government for working families, extreme conservatives in the House are threatening a shutdown.

Your input matters to me. Please take the brief survey below:

Do you think Congress needs to work to avoid a government shutdown?

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An extreme conservative government shutdown would be devastating for the American people, our safety, and our economy. I promise to keep fighting in Congress to protect San Diegans and Orange County residents from a destructive shutdown.

If you have questions about my work or need help with a federal agency, please don’t hesitate to contact my office. My team is here to assist. You can send me an email through my website, call my Oceanside office at (760) 599-5000, my Dana Point office at (949) 281-2449, or my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-3906. For updates on my work on behalf of our communities, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @RepMikeLevin.

In service,





Mike Levin
Member of Congress


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