Inslee used the opportunity to travel on the taxpayers’ dime to job hunt at the UN. A flight from New York to Seattle emits 1,350 lbs of CO2. Considering the roundtrip, Gov. Inslee and his wife emitted about 5,400 lbs of CO2 to visit the Big Apple.
Shift Washington

Last week, Governor Jay Inslee was invited to speak at the United Nations as a so-called “do-er” on climate change. The concept that our green governor has actually achieved anything of substance on environmental policies is laughable. 
But that reality didn’t stop Inslee and his wife from flying across the country so he could speak for a couple of minutes – all courtesy of the taxpayers.
In the last decade, the real Washington Story that Governor Inslee should have shared at the UN is that he has managed to miss every environmental goal set for our state. He has presided over the failure of his own state agencies to meet minimum green standards, record and rising carbon emissions for the state, and for weeks this summer with the highest gas prices in the nation (they have since settled in at #2). Even during the COVID-19 pandemic – when the amount of people commuting for work plummeted – Gov. Inslee failed to meet a single carbon emissions target.
Inslee is a “green” failure. Yet, he paraded around as a green hero at the UN.
Adding hypocrisy to his failures, Inslee – who supposedly cares so much about carbon emissions – sure emitted a lot of carbon to glam around with pals like Al Gore as an environmental warrior at the UN. According to Travel Navigator, a flight from New York to Seattle emits 1,350 lbs of CO2. Considering the roundtrip, Gov. Inslee and his wife emitted about 5,400 lbs of CO2 to visit the Big Apple.
All those carbon emissions for a four-minute speech that Inslee could have delivered via Zoom – that is, if what he really cared about here was the environment. 
Of course, Inslee doesn’t put the environment first. That’s where he places his political ambitions – and, with his time as governor mercifully coming to an end, he now cares most about landing his next political job. 
So, to further his ambitions, Inslee used the opportunity to travel on the taxpayers’ dime to job hunt at the UN. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has so far refused to question why Inslee did not just Zoom into the conference – or even how much taxpayers are on the hook for his political ambitions. And they certainly have not bothered to hold Inslee accountable for the differences between the Washington story he made up for his UN speech and the failures that dominate his Washington story here.
That’s why our work here at Shift WA is so important. We need to let the public know the truth behind Inslee’s UN trip and his real track record on the environment. But we need your help.
Unfortunately, we are over $1,500 behind on our monthly fundraising goal. It’s so important that Shift WA has a voice in our state – and it’s even more important that we re-double our efforts to ensure voters know what’s really going on behind the scenes in our state.
We need the support of people like you. Please consider contributing today.
Thank you,
The SHIFT WA team