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The Report
A newsletter from The Hechinger Report
Liz Willen
Hi all! 

During the pandemic, Canada shared a major economic and education crisis with the U.S. – a collapsing childcare system. One major difference emerged:  Canada committed $30 billion (about $24 billion in U.S. dollars) over five years to the country’s first federally-funded child care system, creating a “$10 a Day” child care initiative that is bringing parents back into the workforce while stabilizing both families and businesses.

Reporter Jackie Mader describes what it all means in her in-depth story, which also ran in The Washington Post. It comes at a time when our own system is in crisis on many levels, and U.S. parents are struggling for answers.

Also this week, Meredith Kolodner, in partnership with The New York Times, delves into another economic issue: how wealthy universities benefit from tax breaks, including Columbia University, which saves about $182 million annually in tax breaks, while also admitting fewer students from New York City. (The Hechinger Report is an independent unit at Teachers College, Columbia University.)

Finally, our continuing look at math education reveals that America’s poor performance is a threat to the nation’s global economic competitiveness and national security.

Check out these stories, including the latest research on test anxiety and our always thoughtful opinion pieces. And my weekly reminder: Please remind others who care about education to sign up for our free newsletters and consider becoming a member.

Liz Willen, Editor
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Main Idea 

What America can learn from Canada’s “$10 a Day” child care system

Canada’s launch of a national child care system shows what it takes to improve child care throughout a country
Support for this newsletter comes from:
Free research and resources to support student success from Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Reading List 

‘The Untouchables:’ How Columbia and N.Y.U. benefit from property tax breaks

As New York City’s budget tightens, its wealthiest universities are bigger and richer than ever. Now some officials think it’s time for the schools to pay more in taxes

Why it matters that Americans are comparatively bad at math

Employers, experts raise new alarms about competitiveness and national security

OPINION: Higher education must take the lead on climate change, beginning on our own campuses

Our students are feeling the impact, and must learn to become leaders for a new and critical era

PROOF POINTS: Lowering test anxiety in the classroom

Review of 24 studies finds quizzes boost achievement and alleviate stress over exams

OPINION: Educators must be on the front line of social activism

Teacher training should emphasize the power of civic engagement

Can free college coaching help National Guard members graduate?

Only 19 percent of Ohio’s National Guard members have a bachelor’s degree. A new program aims to change that.

For teachers who fear math, banishing bad memories can help

Comfort with the subject helps avoid transferring anxiety to students
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