Save up to $100 on Never Is Now for just a few more weeks!
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It’s time!

Time to rally together. Time to take action against antisemitism. Time to meet with others passionate about this fight so you can bring new insights back to your community.

Never Is Now session with Professor Michael Eric Dyson and David Schwimmer

And now, it’s time to take advantage of ADL’s final weeks of early bird pricing for Never Is Now. We want you to register now so you can save up to $100 on tickets to the event at New York’s Javits Center. It has already become the largest annual summit on antisemitism and hate, and this Never Is Now will be bigger than ever! There will be general programming on March 6-7 preceded by special programming by invitation only on March 4-5.

Some tickets, including platinum packages, are limited and already selling fast, so please get yours now to lock in access to this vital event.

I Want the Early Bird Rate

“Fighting hate is important to me, and people who fight hate are really nice. Being in the room during Never Is Now with others who care about these issues is very empowering.”
— Longtime summit participant Tracey Labgold of Boca Raton, FL in JTA coverage

The need to join together to find solutions is urgent. We are tracking an average of ten antisemitic incidents a day. During the decades ADL has been releasing our annual Audit of Antisemitic Incidents in the United States, we’ve never seen numbers like that.

So, please join us in NYC in March as we Speak Up, Share Facts and Show Strength together.

Register Now

— The ADL Never Is Now team