David T. Beito (Reason)

Polarized America wasn’t always so. In 1939, Americans temporarily put aside their political hates and loves, which were intense, to cheer on a cinematic valentine to the Bill of Rights, which FDR had been openly violating: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Could something similar happen today? READ MORE »
Philip W. Magness (AIER)

Randi Weingarten, head of American Federation of Teachers, has her facts wrong about those origins. There is nothing racist about “freedom of choice.” In fact, the racism was entirely on the other side. The details are astonishing. READ MORE »

First son Hunter Biden has been indicted on gun charges. More significantly, the Governor of New Mexico reacted to gun violence by suspending 2nd Amendment gun rights in Albuquerque and surrounding areas. Can he beat the rap? Can she beat the Constitution? Find out in this episode of Independent Outlook. WATCH NOW »
Richard K. Vedder (American Spectator)

Americans, rightly, have a rather low opinion of their academically underperforming colleges and universities. But there is one area in which our universities excel: ball-throwing contests! It’s time for a change—to the benefit of both the athletes and higher education. READ MORE »
The Independent Review, Winter 2022/23
Raymond J. March (The Beacon)

The pandemic has become, thankfully, decidedly endemic (read: widespread and far less harmful). But questionable policies are much harder to eradicate. And the reasons for that are not hard to discern. Not at all. READ MORE »
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