Dear supporters, This month, our founding families mourned the loss of our loved ones and the nation commemorated the 17 lives drastically cut short on February 14, 2018. But it was also a month of action, as Stand with Parkland – The National Association of Families for Safe Schools worked to launch and share critical school safety resources and met with elected leaders to discuss our nonpartisan, inclusive message. Please take notice of the positive change taking place when it comes to the safety of students and staff in America’s schools. Your voice is being heard and you are a critical part of this change. Stand with Parkland is excited to share and the new Federal School Safety Clearinghouse of best practices to help deter violence on our nation’s school campuses. Every school in America can do things today to make their schools safer, and Stand with Parkland is proud to have championed this excellent resource that is a one-stop shop for those interested in improving their schools. Stand with Parkland also sponsored a digital threat assessment training for nearly 70 education and law enforcement professionals in partnership with Safer Schools Together and the city of Coral Springs, FL. We are glad to welcome the U.S. Secret Service to Miami and continue our collaboration with the National Threat Assessment Center as they promote a new report to help educators, law enforcement, mental health professionals, and others learn how to identify people who need help. Prevention must be the goal if we hope to stem the tide of violence in our nation’s schools. To learn more about these efforts and additional resources your community can use to keep schools safer, visit our new Resources webpage. Teachers, administrators, law enforcement, lawmakers, and concerned citizens all have a role to play to make sure solutions are implemented in our schools. Stand with Parkland recommends these resources to those seeking to improve school safety in their community. We would also like to thank the lawmakers who took the time to meet with us this month and who have supported our efforts. Thank you to Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL), Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL), Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Rep. John Rutherford (R-FL), for meeting with Stand with Parkland members and for their efforts toward positive change in our country. In our quest for safe schools in our nation, we must all put aside political bias and come together as an American family to find solutions. We applaud President Donald Trump for focusing the power of his office as well as that of the Departments of Education, Homeland Security, Justice, and Health and Human Services as they worked together to create the Federal Clearinghouse for School Safety and Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead Thank you for your stamina to get to the end of this update and again for your kind thoughts and prayers. We know more needs to be done and we are unwavering in our dedication to our mission of safer schools for America’s students and teachers. Please consider making a donation to Stand with Parkland this month to help us continue this fight.