The Tricolored Blackbird is one such “tipping point” bird in the ongoing climate and biodiversity crises. Their population continues to face significant threats and it is currently listed as threatned under California law.
The Tricolored Blackbird used to nest in Central Valley wetlands, but with 95% of those fertile lands gone, these birds have turned to dairy forage fields. Unfortunately many Tricolored Blackbird chicks had not left their nests before farmers needed to harvest their crops, but Audubon and our partners stepped in to help.
We worked to support dairies by delaying their harvests in order to allow these chicks enough time to leave the nest. Since 2015, when this program was first implemented, we have protected an average of 122,000 nesting adult Tricolored Blackbirds every year, ensuring chicks can fledge and rebuild the colony’s threatened population. |